Jeremy & Kim Wardlaw

Missionaries to Guinea

JJeremy and Kimberly Wardlaw graduated from Emanate, Ethnos Canada’s missionary training program, in 2017. Then in August 2019 they moved to West Africa to be a part of church planting and Bible translation to unreached people groups in the region. 

Both Jeremy and Kim became interested in missions from a young age. Jeremy was aware of unreached people groups growing up in Brazil where his parents were missionaries to an unreached people group. Even as a child, it was clear to him that someone had to share the gospel with those who had never yet had the opportunity to hear. As a teenager, he was challenged through God’s Word to share his faith more boldly and ultimately, obeying Jesus’ command to go and make disciples of all nations became his ambition.

Kimberly was raised in Oregon and grew up reading missionary biographies that challenged her to serve in missions. When she graduated high school, she participated in a year-long discipleship program in Mexico where she learned for the first time about unreached people groups. She was shocked to discover these millions of unreached still existed 2,000 years after Christ had died on the cross and felt the burden to go. She and Jeremy met at the Ethnos360 Bible Institute where they began their training.

They are on a church planting team among the Doure people. The Doure people currently do not have access to the Scriptures and God's message not having a Bible, a church, or any written material in their language. Jeremy and Kim are trusting God for opportunities to translate and teach the Scriptures among the Doure people in West Africa.