Leanne Carter Bio

Missionary to Austria

I have been a part of the Bayfair family since I was 16.  After high school I attended Bible school in New Brunswick and there I sensed God calling me to Austria.  From that point on it was always about living and serving God in Austria.  Through the past four decades I have been involved in evangelism, Bible smuggling to Eastern Europe, overseeing relief work to Romanian orphanages for my mission.  As well as training leaders for a ministry that offered discipleship courses to adults who have been abused as children, helping refugees, disciplining and training leaders (primarily women).

For me it has always been about helping people in need, sharing God’s glorious truth of salvation and seeing them grow and serve the Lord in everyday life.

I went to the field single in 1984, met and married my widowed husband Warren 12 year later, welcomed 3 sons Christopher (1979, from Warren’s first marriage), Jonathan (1998) and David (2002). Warren’s focus was seeing young men grow as godly leaders.  A perfect fit for me as I love seeing the same thing happen to women.  In February 2011 God called Warren home after an accident. With so much help I raised my two youngest boys and continue to serve the Lord in Austria.

I am very involved in training people to grow as leaders in everyday life and have a YouTube channel help spread the word called “The everyday princess” in both German and English.